
State of my mind

July 26, 2009 at 1:44 am

State of my mind

Some have asked me why I chose to name the album after that song….well largely because the songs represent various states of mind, a journey of reflection and different emotions which I hope you will connect with….another reason which is rather unrelated is because of an experience I had 4 years ago when I was studying in Boston. After performing State of my mind and winning an open mic on campus, a pleasant old lady came up to me smiling 2 days later at the canteen; I can’t remember her exact words but she clearly said, “….you have to keep doing what you’re doing!”….guess it was one of those ‘moments’ and I just knew…

4 comments so far

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  1. That’s so cool from an elderly folk!

  2. Is that the design for the sleeve? Simple and COOOOOL!!

  3. Yeap…Amazing how those words stuck with me all these years….she was really sweet =)

  4. Haha nope….I made sketches for every song…will put them up later with all the lyrics after the album launch :)