
Green lady

August 4, 2009 at 12:32 am


Hello guys…we’ll be hitting the printers within the next few days! In the mean time…I wonder what your thoughts are when you see this picture…

Green lady

2 comments so far

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  1. Hey Dr Jon! The picture looks cool. Looks very personalized, like an entry from a diary reflecting about nature.

    But i can’t get the message of the cartoon. Also, maybe can introduce just one more color like yellow?

  2. hey! =) thanks for leaving a note…actually it’s an impromptu sketch I did…nothing fancy…it’s the scene described in the song Green lady where I was standing on a rock just looking around surrounded by the jungle and trying to ‘listen’…

    However when I turned around I saw a bridge not too far away and it occured to me that this place/paradise might not be here for long unless we protect it….then I ‘heard’ and felt a sense of urgency when that happened and hence the song…from where I come from this is an issue very close to the hearts of the people…

    Actually I dramatized it a bit in this pic with a lorry going over the bridge but in reality it was a pedestrian bridge :P hehe…